Philodendron Painted Lady (Philodendron erubescens) is a vine-like plant with beautiful mottled leaves that look like they are painted with a paint brush. It is easy to grow and can adapt to nature easily, so it is the most popular plant for beginners. New leaves have golden-yellow color which later convert into green color and stems have pink or light-red color.
Painted Lady is a fast growing plant or vine which sometimes grows in a bushy style, which increases your home beauty. It can grow over 6 feet if properly cared for and is an evergreen plant which attracts people to plant it. This plant has some toxicity chemicals so place it away from children and pets.
Common Name: | Painted Lady Philodendron |
Scientific Name: | Philodendron erubescens |
Family: | Araceae |
Origin: | Tropical rainforests of Central & South America |
Light Required: | Bright but indirect light with a few hours of shade everyday |
Watering: | Once a week |
Growth Rate: | Slow to moderate growth rate |
Mature Size: | Up to 4 inches per week |
Toxicity: | Toxic to humans and pets |
Foliage: | Evergreen |
Growth Style: | Bushy, Climbing |
Native Area: | South America |
Key Features
- Adaptive Growth and Low Maintenance: This plant grows slow to moderate rate and grows up to four (4) inches once a week. This plant needs no proper care and you can grow it between other plants, so it’s easy to grow without any attention.
- Vine-Like Growth: This plant also grows vine-like manners which helps other plants by providing them support as well as purifying more air due to increase in surface area.
How To Care

Temperature Control
Ideal temperature for best growth ranges from 18 to 26 degree Celsius which is almost equal to 65 to 85 degree Fahrenheit. Decrease in temperature can also affect plants so maintain temperature and if temperature increases in summer then you can maintain it by moisturizing soil.
Water Needs
Philodendron Painted Lady is a very sensitive plant for watering purposes because if you provide excess water to this plant then it will start root rot and if you provide low water then it will fade away. So provide water when the top of 1 to 2 inches of soil dries out and do not keep the soil dry for quite a while.
This plant is epiphyte, which means it grows better in soil which is rich in air, and soil must be well-draining. Soil must be moisture and chunkiness which keeps air easily to access roots.
Use liquid fertilizer while watering only once a month and during the end of summer and start of winter if you notice slowing growth then stop fertilizing your plant.
Humidity Needs
Humidity is necessary for better growth, so keep 60% to 70% humidity. If you notice that the air is dry or in low humidity then maintain it by a humidifier or placing it among other plants as plants increase humidity in air.
Light Maintenance
The Philodendron Painted Lady needs bright, indirect light for at least 2 hours. It can also survive in low light but the growth eventually slows.
It is a climbing tree and does not need pruning, however you can prune it for growing it in a particular shape or style and also for size.
Repotting this plant is not preferred as it is a vine-like or climbing tree but it depends upon you. You can repot it into a bright indirect light place or another place for its better growth.

In Philodendron Painted Lady, propagation occurs by cutting a fresh stem and then placing it in a water pot for one to two weeks even if roots do not appear. Then you can easily place it into soil.
Here are some steps by which you can easily propagate it:
- Cut a Fresh Stem: First of all you should choose a fresh stem and cut it off with the help of a knife. Note that you have cut the stem with some leaves also and the base of the stem is crooked.
- Place Stem in Water: Now place the stem in a pot filled with water, until roots appear. Change water once a week and after two to three weeks.
- Placing Shoot into Soil: When you notice that roots appear and grow about one inch then get out shoot from the water pot and place it into soil. Keep the soil moist properly for at least one week and then you can give it water once a week.
Pests and Diseases
Mealybugs is white cotton like pest or a sticky substance which affects plants especially the Family of Araceae. It feeds on the plant’s sap so can cause stunt growth and curling of leaves of the philodendron painted lady. To protect your philodendron from it, apply insecticidal soap or neem oil to the entire plant.
Spider Mites:
Spider mite is another pest which affects the leaves of plants and its control is very simple. You can easily remove pests by spraying or coating the leaves with diluted neem oil solution.
Some insects also cause growth problems which are not ignored, that are aphids which suck saps of plants from leaves and stems and cause stunt growth. They can be easily removed by using insecticide sprays and neem oil.
Problems and Solutions
Problem | Cause | Solution |
Yellowing of Leaves | Direct Sunlight | Move plant to indirect sunlight location |
Mushy, Brown Roots | Over Watering | Reduce Watering |
Leggy Growth | Low Light | Move to bright light place |
Like other philodendrons, it also has some calcium oxalate crystals which are toxic to humans as well as pets (dogs and cats). These crystals when ingested by humans or pets cause irritation in the oral cavity and digestive tract which may be fatal. So keep care of pets and keep away the plant from the childrens.
In this article we have described all the information of a Philodendron Painted Lady including specification, care guidelines, propagation and harmful pests and diseases with their solutions. You can easily grow and take care of your plant by reading and following above guidelines.
Yes, it is toxic if ingested by pets because it contains calcium oxalate crystals which can cause irritation.
A Philodendron painted lady is a climber, which means it grows vertically.
Yes, the philodendron painted lady is a rare plant which is available at almost all the nurseries.
Yes, philodendron painted lady plants prefer bright indirect sunlight at least a couple of hours per day.
The Philodendron Painted Lady can grow up to 1-1.5 meters in height and 0.5 to 1 meters wide.