Philodendron White Wizard vs White Knight and White Princess are often confused due to their similar look of the plant especially in their young growth stages. At the same time, they share striking white coloration on green leaves. The main difference lies in their stems, which can help analyze each variety. Understanding these stem characteristics is key to correctly identifying these rare and beautiful plants.
Philodendrons have many types of plants that confuse the plant lover; here are 3 famous varieties:
- Philodendron White Wizard
- Philodendron White Princess
- Philodendron White Knight
Comparing Table
White Wizard | White Princess | White Knight |
Leaf Shape: | ||
Large, Rounded | Narrow, Arrow-Shaped | Heart-Shaped |
Stem Color: | ||
Green with White Streaks | Green with Pink/White Variegation | Burgundy/Dark Purple with White |
Growth Habit: | ||
Climbing | Self-Heading | Climbing |
Variegation: | ||
Sectoral White Variegation | White with Occasional Pink | White Patches |
Philodendrons are a popular and varied variety of Araceae family plants. It is the type of flowering plant & mostly used for indoor planting.
In this article, I’ll take a closer look at the characteristics of Philodendron. This creates differences between the White Wizard and the White Princess plants to help you decide which one is the best fit for your home.
White Wizard Philodendron
The Philodendron White Wizard is the rarest among the three plants. It is a climber and needs a support structure, like a moss pole, to grow properly. This variety is the fastest-growing, producing large, round leaves.

- Leaf Color & Look: The leaves of the White Wizard are large and brighter. The color of the leaf is mixed with dark green & white or creamed. This combination of colors makes it rarer. The pattern of the variegation can vary from leaf to leaf, with some showing more white and others more green.
- Growth Habit: For perfect & proper growth the white wizard needs support because it is a climbing plant.
- Light Requirements: It needs bright light but indirect lights. Direct light from the sun burns the white area of the plant. Indirect light helps to maintain the green & white color of leaves.
- Size: The size of the plant depends on the growth condition with the leaves the plant reaches 12 to 14 inches or more.
- Watering: White Wizard likes moist soil but does not want water sitting on the surface of the soil. Make sure 1 or 2 inch soil on the top is dry before watering.
Also read Wandering Jew Plant Care.
White Princess Philodendron
Philodendron White Princess is a beautiful & rare tropical plant. It looks pretty in a trio philodendron due to its leaf’s colors. It is a quite different form of Philodendron White Wizard due to the coloration of leaves & not hard to grow at home.

- Leaf Appearance: The leaf of the plant has large heart-shaped leaves with a combination color of dark green, creamy white, & sometimes pale pink. The mixture of 3 colors makes it unique in the variety of Philodendron.
- Growth Habit: The white princess’s growth is the same as the white wizard’s. It can’t grow without support.
- Size: It can grow a few feet tall 6 to 12 inches with leaves. Mostly, the size of the plant depends on the environment.
- Light Requirements: Direct light & little light cause the coloration to fade. Balanced light is compulsory for growth.
- Watering: White princesses also love moist soil but dislike to sit water around the root surface. Before watering, check the surface area of the plant.
White Knight Philodendron
The Philodendron White Knight stands out for its striking dark purple stems, which create a bold contrast with its green leaves that have white variegation. This plant is a climber, and as it grows upwards, the purple stems and petioles develop more color.

- Leaves: White Knight leaves are heart-shaped & sometimes their corners are round. The coloration of the leaves depends on the care & genius. Sometimes they produce all green & all white leaves.
- Size: In ideal conditions, the plant can grow quite large, reaching up to 3-4 feet in height, though it typically grows more slowly compared to other varieties.
- Growth Habit: Plant nature is Climbing like other family plants. It wants to vine & grow upwards. You’ll provide some form of support, like a moss pole or trellis for good growth of plants.
- Light Requirements: Indirect light is ideal for maintaining vibrant variegation and healthy growth. Direct sunlight can turn the white area of the plant into yellow. In too little light plants grow slowly.
- Watering: When the top 1-2 inches of soil feel dry, keep watering properly. It’s important & best not to let the plant sit in water, as it can lead to root rot. Well-draining soil is key.
White Wizard vs White Knight vs White Princess
The Philodendron White Wizard and Philodendron White Knight are highly demanded due to their mixed varieties of Philodendron but have specific differences. Here’s a comparison of the two:
1. Stem Color
- White Knight: The stems are dark purple or burgundy, which is a key feature that helps distinguish it from other variegated philodendrons. The petioles (leaf stems) may also have a white edge.
- White Wizard: The stems of the White Wizard are typically green or slightly reddish, without the deep purple color that characterizes the White Knight.
- White Princess: White Princess has pale green to light pink stems with a soft appearance which make their look graceful.
2. Leaf Shape
- White Knight: White Knight leaves are broader & longer as compared to white wizards or their appearance is hard. The leaf shape is heart-shaped & some parts of the leaf are white similar to other Philodendrons but their characteristics are different.
- White Wizard: The Philodendron White Wizard has heart-shaped leaves that are elongated. Their leaves are smooth and glossy, not as rough as white knights.
- White Princess: The leaves of the White Princess are medium to large in size. Like many other philodendrons it also has heart-shaped leaves.
3. Growth Habit
- White Wizard tends to grow faster and more spread out.
- White Knight grows slower and is more compact.
- White Princess has average growth and a more balanced climber habit.
4. Rarity & Cost
- White Knight: It is rare & more expensive, especially for highly variegated specimens.
- White Wizard: White wizard is generally affordable & globally available.
- White Princess: White Princess is not expensive & also not affordable.
Also read Painted Lady Philodendron care guide.
Care Tips
Philodendron White Princess, White Wizard & White Knight growth must consider these 4 tips:
1. Lighting
All these Philodendron kinds need indirect & bright light. A balanced light helps their growth & well maintains variegation. Too much lighting & non-proper light effect on the leaves. Their white part turns into yellow or maybe green.
2. Watering
Keep watering your plant according to the weather. In the summer & spring seasons give water when the soil is half dry & half moist. But in winter watering when the soil is fully dry. Overwatering can damage the root so it’s important to allow the soil to dry before watering again.
3. Humidity
Philodendrons love humidity environments. Higher humidity helps them grow faster and keeps their leaves looking healthy. Dry air in the home causes a slow growth. If the air in your home is dry use a humidifier in incase the humidity places the plant on a humidity tray, or mist the leaves regularly.
4. Fertilizing
Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). In winter when the plant’s growth slows, reduce the quantity of fertilizer.
5. Pruning
Trim dead or yellowing leaves to help in healthy growth and improve the plant’s overall look. Pruning also helps to control its size.
6. Toxicity
Philodendrons are lightly toxic for humans and pets because they contain calcium oxalate crystals in all plant parts. To keep everyone safe it’s best to keep your Philodendron away from curious children and pets.
If you want a fast-growing plant with soft, speckled white patterns, choose the White Wizard. If you prefer a rarer, slow-growing plant with bold white patches, go for the White Knight. Both are beautiful, but the White Knight is more expensive and harder to find. White Princess’s growth is not fast or not slow, it climbs upwards on a balance. It looks beautiful due to its pinky leaf color.